วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

PHP 5.3.0 final is ready for download

The development team has released the new, highly anticipated version of the popular server-side interpreter. Lots of interesting news, but there's also some changes that might affect compatibility.

PHP 5.3.0 final is ready for download

After going through a long cycle of beta testing and at least 4 different versions RC, PHP 5.3.0 has been released in final version.

Although it may seem like a mere branch of the fifth version, the novelty of the first floor there.

From rich news page stand out important improvements, such as the introduction of the namespace (a feature anticipated by those who come to work in a team very large), the arrival of Late Static Bindings and method __CallStatic () with which to settle certain problems of context, the ability to write anonymous functions (closures) and to enable the garbage collector for circular references (a limitation in the memory management whose negative effects are traceable in certain parts of the code behind MegaLab.it ).

The programmers will be happy to discover the Palaeolithic introduction of the goto command, despite the nice vignette inserted at the end of official documentation is rather eloquent recommend its use. Arrives, the ternary operator ?: to be used (to confuse the reader) instead of the traditional construct if .

Do not miss even a full outline of extensions now integrated, but that until now were distributed as separate components: a new driver for MySQL, ext / phar, thanks to PHP applications that create "portable", ext / intl for those who need to functions suitable for international conversions, ext / fileinfo to identify the type of file, ext/sqlite3 to connect to popular databases and embedded ext / enchant through which interface with a multitude of spelling.

Conclude the abundant menu over 140 bugfixes to varying importance.

Check the compatibility

Consider the many new features, there are also some changes that could preclude the perfect backward compatibility with existing code: to carry out extensive tests commend in test environments before adopting the new version in production environments.

During my tests on the local copy of MegaLab.it I have not run into compatibility problems, if not for the need to update the x-debugger debugging the new version.

For anyone wishing to check in advance your code, PHP provides a large section with all the information related to the migration between them, we read that this version only Windows 2000 and later are supported, which mysql_escape_string () is now deprecated, as well as split (), session_register () and many more.


Precompiled packages, as well as source code, are available starting from page downloadufficiale.

See Pictures and Read more : PHP 5.3.0 final is ready for download

