วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Move the icon to the right of the tabs of WOT

If after installing WOT, its icon appears to the left of tabs open, just a few clicks to solve.

Move the icon to the right of the tabs of WOT

Question :

I installed the WOT excellent program to see if the websites are ok or not .... only in the PC of my friend the symbol of WOT is just down the menu bar, and as you can see in my PC is not the end but the beginning and occupies even an entire row, and all empty!


Indeed, I should NOT be where I marked with red arrow, that is close to the address bar?

How to resolve and put at the bottom of the menus at the top?

I tried to disinstalalrlo and put it in my PC but nothing more so as in the figure. Who helps me?

Answer :

Right click on the gray menu in Internet Explorer clear Block menu bar try to pass the mouse over the button at the wat with the hatches, and move it where you want.

See Pictures and Read more : Move the icon to the right of the tabs of WOT

